We don’t want NONE unless you got BUNS hun! In the wise words of Sir-Mix-a-Lot, we came in searching of some major BUNS in OC. So when Burger Monster invited me to try some of their handcrafted buns, I couldn’t say no.
Bwoy, was I in for a treat. These burgers are legendary for being super unique and everything is made fresh to order so you know the wait is worth it. They recently opened their location in Buena Park, CA and it’s inside this cute food area. They also have a huge outdoor dining area and its uber cute!
To get started, I got their Vanilla shake loaded with Oreos as well as a fresh Raspberry Lemonade. Cause who can say no to a lemonade in the middle of an OC summer? Next I got both the Minion Fries as well as the Herbivore Fries, both I liked but the Herbivore one I def recommend! It the perfect amount of seasoning and I’m obsessed with the cut of the fries. They’re slim and insured crispiness all the way through. Sometimes when the fries are too thick they get soggy faster.
Finally, on to the bad boys! I decided on the Lycan Burger and the Mighty Melt (which was hugeeee! I wasn’t ready. lol). They were both bomb but I definitely recommend eating it there ASAP cause these were difficult to take to go. But other than that, they were delishhh and def fulfilled any burger cravinngs.
To see my VLOG on the adventure, check out the video below:
Until next time!