Airfryer Dynamite Mussels (CookBook Recipe)

This is probably my favorite recipe from my Cookbook you guys.

I remember growing up in Minnesota there wasn’t a lot of Japanese cuisine present. Barely any if you’re counting where I grew up in the boonies lol. So whenever I got the chance to hit up one of my favorite sushi joints (Wakame in Minneapolis was my go-to) I always ordered the Baked/Dynamite mussels. The name varies from whichever restaurant you go to the pretense is the same: sweet, savory goodness topped on seafood. In this particular case, mussels.

Now where can you get these mussels you may ask?

It’s super rare to be honest to find Green Mussels live and probably quite expensive to be honest. Now that I think about it, I don’t think I’ve ever come across live Green Mussels. Lucky for you, this recipe works perfectly with just frozen mussels, which you can get at local Asian markets in the frozen section. The usually split them already for you but most of the time they don’t clean it 100% properly. So def make sure you do that before making these.

To clean these for this recipe, all you have to do is once thawed, rinse the mussels to remove any broken shells, detach the scallop part from the shell with a small, sharp knife, and remove any byssal threads aka the “hairs” attached to the mussel. Finally, this part is optional but I find that it makes it a lot easier to eat later, I slice the mussel in half.

Another ingredient that isn’t common in everyone’s pantry (unless you cook a lot of Japanese food) would be masago.

Masago is also known as Fish Roe and they’re basically fully ripened eggs of many different fishes. Thus why they can vary in size and color. I get these in the frozen section at Asian markets as well! As you have to do is wait a few minutes for them to defrost and you’re all set to go! Mine looks like this:

There’s quite a lot packed in there and it’ll last you quite awhile if you scoop out what you need and freeze the rest right away! It’s super convenient and honestly not too expensive at all.

Anywhoo, here’s a preview of how it’s made if you’re a visual type of person (that’s also me)! The recipe (along with others) is in my first cookbook and you can shop by clicking the “Shop Cookbook” tab or by clicking here!

Airfryer Dynamite Mussels (CookBook Recipe)

Recipe by Jen H. DaoCourse: Blog, Recipes


Prep time


Cooking time




  • 1 dozen mussels (cleaned & cut in 1/2)

  • 2 tsp of Sriracha

  • 2 tsp rice vinegar

  • 1 tsp sugar

  • ½ tsp of light soy sauce

  • 1/2 c of Japanese mayo

  • 1 tbsp of lemon juice

  • 2 tbsp of masago

  • 1 1/2 c panko bread crumbs

  • 1-2 stalk of green onions (sliced thinly)


  • Combine sriracha, rice vinegar, sugar, soy sauce, mayo, lemon juice & masago.
  • Scoop a spoonful on each mussel (on the shell) & top with panko crumbs
  • Airfry at 400 degrees for 10 mins or broil in an oven for 7-8 mins (keep a close eye on it!)
  • Garnish with sliced green onions & more masago! (Optional: top with eel sauce)

Recipe Video

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