I’m SOY into youuuuuuu! Fresh Soymilk that is.
Honestly soy beans and soy milk get a bad rap. It’s due to the factors that soy contains phytoestrogen, a plant based estrogen that supposedly cause hormonal effects such as “man boobs” if a guy were to drink it. Well, let me break it to you, these are LIESSSS! In order for you to have enough estrogen in your body to actually change your physical body you would have to consume soy products 24/7 essentially. So leave my soy milk outta it! LOL.
I grew up on soymilk just as much as cow milk. My boobs are still small, just saying.

Now let’s talk about the pros of soy milk! It’s contains protein! But not just one or two amino acids, but all nine essential amino acids! Also it’s free from cholesterol, trans fat and inflammatory compounds (ever wondered why singers don’t do dairy before performing? Yep.) It also is from a plant and required less to produce than if you farmed cows milk. Smaller carbon footprint? Yes please!
Now onto the recipe! The recipe for this fresh soymilk can be found in my newest cookbook here. But for those that would like a preview or are more visual I have the video on here as well! Just scroll down 🙂
I find it rare to find fresh soybeans, now that I think about it, why haven’t I seen fresh soybeans more? That’s a whole ‘nother discussion but for me, I find it easier to find the dried ones at Asian markets. They have so many varieties and brands that it can be a bit intimidating but just grab one and go. I promise you, you’ll be okay. 😉
For reference, this is what they’ll look like dried:

Once you soak them in water overnight or for at least 4-5 hours, they’ll double in size. I use one bag for multiple batches so it lasts quite a while. I think the bag I got was $3-4? So it’s quite a steal.
Another tip is that you can also drink this warm or cold. Personally, I like drinking it cold since it’s a super refreshing drink for summer time. But to each their own! Just make sure it cools down at room temp before putting it into the fridge. I stored mine in these cute reusable bottles I got from a cafe visit and I’m obsessed!
Anyways here’s the video on it! If you want to support your girl the recipe is in my book here. 🙂