I’m so excited because this year was our first year growing passion fruit! We got the tree at a local Home Depot and it was very fruitful this year!

In fact we were able to harvest about 8 to 9 passion fruits! Our tree/vine ended up going the purple passion fruit which according to the label is called the Frederick kind. It was super easy to grow in SoCal and unfortunately our tree didn’t make it past the heatwave this year. So this was the first and last harvest for our tree (sad face).
Some fun facts about passion fruit is that they start out green but as they ripen they turn purple and wrinkly. The more purple and wrinkly it is the sweeter it is! The cool part is they also ripen as they get off the vine as well. So we had some that were still green but as we left them on the counter and overtime it became purple!

I wanted to make the first recipe pretty simple so I created a passion fruit lemonade! It’s pretty easy you kind of tweak it towards your taste if you like it more tart or sweet. If you can’t find fresh passion fruit you can also find it often times frozen as well in Asian markets!
A Refreshing Passionfruit Lemonade (With Fresh Passionfruit!)
Course: Recipes2
2 ripe passion fruits
1 large lemon (juiced)
1/3 c sugar
2 c water
- Mix water with sugar then add lemon Juice. Adjust to taste.
- Mix in passionfruit pulp and seeds. Serve over ice!