Chè is any traditional Vietnamese sweet beverage, dessert soup or pudding. The possibilities are endless and there are so many varieties of desserts that it would make Willy Wonka’s mind spin. It’s also my favorite category of Viet food because its endless.

If you’ve never tried these Vietnamese desserts before, Chè Ba Màu is a classic chè if you’re not sure where to start! It’s honestly super easy to put together and can store in the fridge (separately) for a couple days! The recipe also produces a solid amount of dessert for 1/2 of the price of the ones you get in store!
I also like making chè at home because I can control the sugar levels in them. Depending on where you go these can be superrrrrr sweet. Almost too much at times. So it’s nice to be able to regulate that and not get no crazy sugar rush. lol. The full recipe is available in my newly RESTOCKED COOKBOOK! By the way, I can’t believe this is my 3rd restock! I am in awe and you guys are theeeee best!

A few pointers when making the Chè Ba Màu layers:
- This is the brand of agar, agar powder I used. My mother used it before me and now here I am lol. I love it and since it’s made form seaweed, it’s completely vegan! Sometimes I just make the jelly as a snack.

- For the jelly, I used Roasted Coconut Juice, it looks like this and can be found in most Asian markets. You can also use regular coconut juice as well but I wanted to be fancy that day. Plus roasted coconut juice has a nice nutty flavor. So def try it out sometime if you haven’t!

- These are the split mung beans I used. They come dried, so make sure you soak it in water overnight or for at least 5-6 hours! Also depending on what brand you use, the yellow will bleed so maybe don’t use it around white towels LOL.

Here’s the video below for you visual learners! I recently was craving some so I had to make a batch for home and let me tell ya, this didn’t last 2 days! Welp gotta make more soon!